So recently I had an argument with my husband and I was really angry. My husband didn't know what to do so I decided to post an article I found on the internet which gives guys ideas as to how to calm down an angry wife.
Hopefully, this might help some couples. This article is from
Hopefully, this might help some couples. This article is from
Every wife is prone to getting upset with her husband. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly,
you are just another couple having a few issues. However, if her bouts
of anger become chronic, it suggests a severe problem in your
relationship that needs to be sorted. Irrespective of which scenario is
more applicable to your condition, you need to know the basics about handling an angry wife.
1) Find Her Melting Point
Every lady has a few melting points. No, this doesn’t refer to the
temperature at which she will melt into a pulp but typical things that
drive her crazy. Make a list of these. Memorize them like your daily
prayers or the national anthem. By mistake, if you commit the blunder of
doing something that will invite her wrath, immediately inform her
about it with a sullen, sorry look.
2) Don’t Present Any Reasoning For Your Actions
During her outburst, she is unlikely to hear your side of the story.
Just remain focused on her. It should appear to her that you are paying
attention to what she is saying. Not doing so can make here angrier,
accusing you of ignoring her. Don’t argue
or try to present counter-claims. Just get hold of a seating position
and face her verbal assault like a soldier. Don’t ask her to calm down
or take a chill pill. These are precisely the kind of things that adds
more fuel to the argument. In fact, it is better to stay mute as long as
she is animatedly shouting at you.
3) Try to Agree With Her, Even Better, Surrender to Her
You don’t want to look foolish, i.e. presenting a fake sense of approval. Just use your body language to convey that you agree with her
reason for getting angry. For instance, nod your head and occasionally,
let out a slow sigh that indicates you have surrendered to her
reasoning. Not doing so will make her shout more. The sooner you give-in
to her anger, higher are the chances of placating her.
4) Don’t Let It Hurt Too Much
By now, you should have realized that women are prone to venting out their emotions in the form of anger fits.
It is a feature associated with wives across the world. So don’t let
her attack on your integrity, job or even parents prick you. Most
probably, she isn't even aware about most of the words dropping out of
her mouth. Just try to take it like a man. Sit back or lean against the
wall and let her tire herself out. If you let these things bother you,
it will ignite retribution in you.
5) Don’t Run Away From the Scene
This is probably the worst thing you could do. You need to understand
that though you are suffering in this scenario, in a way it is working
towards calming her. For many women, verbal outburst of anger
is induced by those unavoidable hormonal issues. Thus, you might be
helping her and ensuring that the next few weeks would be more peaceful.
Yes, it seems like a natural thing to do, i.e. ducking from the scene
but this will make her more resentful and frustrated. Further, till what
extent can you really escape any situation that involves your wife?
6) On a Serious Note: Her Anger Might be a Cry for Help
Many times, anger bouts are precipitated due to deep-seated issues. For instance, your wife might be getting angry since she sees a pattern in you which resemble her father’s mannerisms whom she resents. Such issues need to be tackled with extreme care. Firstly, you need to decode the underlying cause. If it is just another fault committed by you, you can seek an apology and diffuse the situation. However, if it turns out that there are some serious emotional issues weighing on your wife’s mind, you need to be her guiding soul. Try to talk to her or tell her that you will accompany her to a counselor. In such cases, your wife needs your support to let bygones be bygones and forgive herself or someone else who had hurt her in the past.Our Partners:-

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