Life is so stressful for an average person that it is hard to make time for yourself. Keeping yourself happy is the secret to keep going through life with a positive attitude. Researchers are always coming up with these new secrets to happiness, stress-free life etc. The recent research
was done by Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor at University of California.
Below are the fastest ways to feel happy.
1. Exercise, Sex, Theatre
It doesn’t have to be in that order but recent research shows that these are the three best ways to boost your mood. So pick the best one that works for you. However, a recent survey proved that sex made people happier, followed closely by exercise and then a theatre play or concert.
2. Gratitude
Being thankful for what you have in life helps to life your mood. It is a good exercise if you keep a journal of of things to be thankful for. This exercise in self-awareness can benefit everyone and once you see it on paper, it’s hard not to feel full of joy.
3. Hold the door
Random acts of kindness, like opening the door for someone, stopping for pedestrians, or helping people with directions can fuel a sense of long lasting fulfillment. Researchers in Toronto University report that the effects of these acts of kindness can last for up to 6 months. . It’s a twice blessed scenario where the recipient believes that it is not a harsh world after all and you can feel good about helping others.
4. Breathe
Meditation actually alters the brain to make you happier. Research shows that meditation enlarges the parts of the brain related to compassion and shrinks the parts related to stress and anxiety. So do what suits you the most, deep breathing and relaxing for 10 minutes or just walking around the block, focusing on every step.
5. Curiosity
When we’re open to new experiences, positive events linger longer and we get more pleasure from them. You should take up a new hobby like dancing, cooking etc.
6. Don’t shop till you drop
The benefits of retail therapy are very short lived. There is evidence that more materialistic people are less happy. The excitement over purchases never lasts, so the next time you take out your wallet to purchase something, use your shopping power for good and pick up a healthy snack or donate.
7. Touch Someone
Strong social connections lead to joy and contentment. One way to build bliss in a romantic relationship is through touch. Creating a predictable and consistent pattern of touch helps feelings of security in relationship.
8. LOL
Laughing releases feel-good endorphins, increases pain resistance and promotes social bonds. Albert Nerenberg, a pioneer in the “laughter movement” recommends hosting a laughter party: Get together with a group of people and laugh until it becomes uncontrollable. Another good strategy is to smile more. It is a contagious behavior that helps happiness ripple across a room.
Instead of having a hate-on for your hips, give yourself a break. Research shows that self compassion makes women happier. When you care about yourself, you tend to do what’s healthy for you rather than what’s harmful.
10. Find the AWESOME
It’s easy to get bogged down in daily mundane routine but don’t lose sight of the awesome in daily life. For example, getting that piece of kernel out of your teeth, picking the fastest lane in a grocery store etc. These are little joys that can bring happiness and pleasure in to your life.
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