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Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 Amazing Home-Made Hair Masks

7 Best Home-Made Hair Masks …
Have you ever opened your refrigerator and thought hey, that would make my hair look great? No? Maybe you should! Sometimes a few ingredients from your fridge and cupboard can make your hair look amazing in as little as 20 minutes. Can’t think of what you should mix? This is where I come in. Here are the 7 best homemade hair masks!

1. Milk and Honey Mask

 Photo Credit: sevenworlds16
This is pretty simple and straightforward. All you have to do is mix up a single teaspoon of honey into one glass of whole milk then massage it into your hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water and shampoo. Then, avoid bees, and you’ll see some amazing results in your hair.

2. Coconut Cream Mask

 Photo Credit: cedar_9
This mask is kind of… sticky, sweet and time consuming to say the least. It’s also worth every minute. Take a chunk of coconut cream and warm it up in your hands. When it’s soft and pliable massage it into your hair. Slowly and carefully wrap your hair up into a warm towel and let the mask sit on your hair for one hour. Wash out with a mild shampoo and let your hair dry normally.

3. Banana and Almond Mask

 Photo Credit: @mands
That’s right, bananas and almonds are good for your hair. Here’s what you do. Mash up one banana and add about 3 drops of almond oil to your gooey concoction. Mix well and massage into your hair. Let it sit for about 25 minutes, rinse and wash your hair and you’re all done, it’s as easy as that!

4. Strawberry Mask

 Photo Credit: Ann&Ming
Strawberries, they’re not just for eating anymore! Take a cup of strawberries (the ones that are just a little too mushy to eat work best), one egg yolk, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix all of these up until the strawberries look more like juice than chunks. Work into your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse and wash with a mild shampoo!

5. Rum and Black Tea Mask

 Photo Credit: ionut mocan
Alright, this sounds like a weird combination but Baileys and coffee doesn’t really do very much for your hair. So, take that last bit of rum from the bottle in the back of your liquor cabinet (one teaspoon) and the little bit of tea left in your morning cup (one teaspoon). Apply this mix directly to your roots and then work outwards. Leave this on for a grand total of 50 minutes before rinsing and washing!

6. Cognac and Egg Mask

 Photo Credit: Pictr 30D
I know this one sounds incredibly weird, but trust me once you see what it does to your hair, you’ll never question me again! Mix one egg yolk with 3-5 teaspoons (depending on the length of your hair) of cognac and apply to your hair liberally. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse in lukewarm water. Once it’s out, shampoo and style as you normally would!

7. Avocado and Mayo Mask

 Photo Credit: **Shutterbug Gal**
That’s right ladies, it’s not a myth. Mayo and Avocado really are good for your hair. Here’s what you do: take a full jar of full fat mayonnaise and one half of one very mashed up avocado. Mix well and apply to your hair. Pay very special attention to those roots and then after 20 minutes rinse your hair in COLD water. You’ll see the difference!
Well ladies, I’ve shown you just about all I can show you. So, next time you stick that head of yours into your refrigerator think about all the things inside that will make your hair look fabulous! Any ideas for hair masks that I haven’t thought of? Any other delicious foods that can go on my head? Tell me all about it!


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