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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

10 Steps for Natural Makeup Look...

10 Steps for Natural Makeup Look …
I don’t know about you, but I like that natural make-up look. It is good for work, school and just everyday outings. How much makeup you use and where you use it all depends on your personal style. Below, I am going to give you 10 steps for natural makeup look…

10. The concealer should be a shade lighter

The concealer that you are applying to your face needs to be one shade lighter than the foundation you are using. Just dot the concealer over any blemishes you may have as well as those under-eye circles. After this, blend it in with a makeup sponge.

9. What foundation to choose

For that natural look, you will need to choose foundation that matches the tone of your skin. Over the center part of your face, apply it in dots and then blend it with a makeup sponge until it has covered your whole face.

8. Use pressed powder

Pressed powder can be used in order to keep the foundation on for a longer period of time. You can also use it to touch up your face when you are not at home.

7. Next, it is time to do your eyebrows

Instead of a pencil, you should use powdered eyebrow shadow. Reason being, the pencil can cause it to look unnatural and this is not what you are aiming for. Apply it with a slanted, hard brush and voila! Instant beautiful eyebrows!

6. For the eyeshadow, choose three colors

The eyeshadows you pick should consist of light, medium and dark. The dark shadow should be used to line the upper eyelid in a thin line going along the upper lashes. The medium shade should be used on the crease and the lighter shade is for the area that is under the eyebrow. Since this is a natural look, I would stick to brown, beige and toffee!

5. Next it is time for the good old eyeliner

There are so many things you can do wrong with eyeliner, so be careful with this one. Use an eyeliner pencil or cake eyeliner with a thin liner brush that is damp. If you are trying to achieve that darker look, then apply it all the way across. Otherwise, only line the outer two thirds of the lower lid.

4. Now, it’s time for the mascara.

Apply mascara to the lower and upper lashes. It should be applied in two thin coats so that you avoid having those spider eyes. If your coloring is fair, then you should choose brown mascara. For fun, you could try plum or navy, but you should not make it too bright.

3. Smile and find the apples of your cheeks

When you smile, you will find the apples of your cheeks. Apply the blush to the apples or below them, whichever it is that you prefer.  Once again, stick to natural shades like pinks and peaches.

2. Pucker up, because it’s time for some lipstick

Ideally for a natural look, I would stick to just lipgloss but if you prefer lipstick, just remember, the lipstick color you choose should be suited to your skin tone. It should be perfect for that day look. You can mix colors as well as textures together in order to suit your moods as well as the outfits.

1. Time to line your lips

After you apply your lipstick, it is time to line your lips. This way, you are not going to end up with a dark circle of  lip liner after the lipstick has worn off. You should also avoid taking dark lip liner and applying it to a pale color.
And voila! Your au natural look is complete. Sure smoky eyes and dark lips are great for nightouts but on a daily basis, I prefer going minimal. What about you? Do you like natural makeup? How do you do it?


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