Anyone who is in a relationship is going to argue with their partner. It is something that is inevitable. Did you ever wonder what other couples argue about? Well, I have done my research and have found some things couples argue about. So, here is what couples argue about…
12. Children
Photo Credit: nicointhebus (nicolas monnot)
The disputes and discussions about children are never going to end. You may fight whether you should have children or not. Then, once you have kids, you will fight about how to raise them, what they eat, how your family thinks you should raise them, how much money to spend on them, how long the hair should be, who they should hang out with, how many video games they should have, their bedtime… and the list will go on.
Work it out – The best thing to do would be to communicate. While you may never agree with one another, you can find an agreement that you both agree with.
11. Career
Photo Credit: Lincoln ~
Do you both work or does one work? How much time are you willing to let the other individual devote to their career? Does it affect your family time? Do you like your partner going on business trips all the time?
Work it out – sit down and speak with one another about this. Plan some time together and show them that the career does not always get in the way. Tell them that is how you make money to help do your part in the family. You may also want to plan a vacation to look forward to.
10. Money
Photo Credit: Tomitheos
Yes, couples argue over money. I have always said I would never let money come in between my marriage and I am succeeding at that one.
Work it out – Having no money can be stressful, but as long as you have each other, you can work it out. Try some better financial planning.
9. Sex
Photo Credit: melindalee70
Yes, a good sex life with your partner would be nice. It helps the bond grow deeper and stronger. The longer couples are together, the greater their sex life will suffer. This is a common area couples argue about.
Work it out – Again, sit down and talk to each other. You should be open with your partner. Tell him/her what you like. Tell them what you do not like. Voice your opinion.
8. Housework
Photo Credit: sosij
Housework is something that we all have and it is a big conflict between many couples. If the partner feels they are putting in more effort in cleaning the house, then it can bring up an argument.
Work it out – Love and respect are the ingredients in a relationship. Housework has a tendency to become a battleground where you fight for those ingredients. Sit down together and talk to one another about the housework. How did your parents handle it? How does it affect you today?
7. Leaving the toilet seat up
Photo Credit: SeeEmilyPlay.
Yes, if you are a female, then you may know exactly what I am talking about. Does your guy leave the toilet seat up or is he considerate and KNOWS his aim is not as good as he thinks it is? Believe it or not, many couples argue about this.
Work it out – You could always write a letter in bold letters and post it on your toilet or you could constantly remind them to put the toilet seat up when they pee. One day, it’ll sink into their head.
6. Toenail clippings
Photo Credit: Ace Angel
Okay, do they clip their toenails and leave them laying around on the couch? How annoying is this? I am never at the root end of this one, but it sounds annoying!
Work it out – Speak with them and tell them how it disturbs you.
5. The in-laws
Photo Credit: knitkid
Arguments about the in-laws can come up in many cases. Those in-law jokes did not just write themselves.
Work it out – Speak to your partner and tell them what you do not like about the in-laws. Maybe the two of you can work something out with the in-laws. Prioritize your own relationship and work as a team. Never side with the parents or disagree with your spouse.
4. Snoring
Photo Credit: Out_of_place
Yes, snoring can be an annoying topic. I actually watched a Dr. Phil show on having a partner that snored a lot. Not everyone can solve this problem and go get it fixed.
Work it out – Sorry, for this one, the way to work it out either involves sleeping in another room or wearing ear plugs. I chose to wear ear plugs each night.
3. What movie to watch
Photo Credit: joel.spitsnaugle
Yes, many partners argue over which movie they should watch. This is especially true if the girl likes romance movies and the guy is an action kind of guy.
Work it out – Take turns picking out a movie. One week, let the girl pick the movie out and the next week, let the guy pick the movie out.
2. What to have for dinner
Photo Credit: the brownhorse
This one may seem strange, because my husband and I always find something for dinner we agree with, but there are some that come from total different worlds.
Work it out – One night have your favorite and the next night have his favorite. Don’t always go with what you want to have. You may want to have an alternative available for those times where the other partner finds the food disgusting. Taste buds are different.
1. Ex-spouses and boyfriends/girlfriends
Photo Credit: Co®tex™
Some couples have another person to worry about. They worry if they were as good in bed or if they are as good at cooking dinner.
Work it out – Realize that he or she is with you and not the other person. Speak with him or her about whatever is bothering you.
Most of all, when you are arguing with one another, you should not let it get out of control. If you have children, don’t let them see you arguing. Learn to sit down and speak with one another in a loving manner. Do you have problems in your marriage? What do the two of you argue about the most?
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